
The web is based on hyperlinks. For all your link needs you can use <Link />. To use, import from @marvelapp/ui:

import { Link } from '@marvelapp/ui';


The <Link /> component has a few kinds available that can be used depending on the context of the action being performed.

<Link hasUnderline kind="white">Click me</Link>
<Link hasUnderline kind="white">Click me</Link>
<Link hasUnderline kind="normal">Click me</Link>
<Link hasUnderline kind="marvel">Click me</Link>
<Link hasUnderline kind="red">Click me</Link>

Occasionally kind might not be enough, but luckily <Link /> allows you to override any property. However, please don’t ever use the combination below.

<Link color="purple" hoverColor="green">
  Click me