The stepper component is a controlled increment/decrement toggle.
To use, import from @marvelapp/ui
import { Stepper } from '@marvelapp/ui';
Then pass on increment, decrement functions and children
<Stepper onIncrement={onIncrement} onDecrement={onDecrement}>
{count} members
The <Stepper />
component has a few kinds available that can be used depending
on the context of the action being performed. All of the <Button />
kinds are
available on the <Stepper />
<Stepper kind="ghost" /> // default
<Stepper kind="green" />
<Stepper kind="marvel" />
The <Stepper />
component has a few sizes available that can be used depending
on the context of the action being performed. All of the <Button />
sizes are
available on the <Stepper />
<Stepper size={0} />
<Stepper size={1} /> // default
<Stepper size={2} />
The <Stepper />
component can have any of the two buttons disabled with a valid
reason provided.
<Stepper isDecrementDisabled={true} decrementDisabledReason="You can't remove any more members" />
<Stepper isIncrementDisabled={true} incrementDisabledReason="You can't add any more members" />